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Updated September 22, 2022

*I primarily deal with private commissions. If you want to work with me for something to be published or made into merchandise that will need to be discussed in detail. The following is subject to be updated and revised in the future as needed.



  • The artist may refuse work for any reason. Harassment will not be tolerated.

  • Clients will be notified of delays that may affect wait times such as sickness, travel, or other interruptions to workflow.

  • Expected turnaround for work completion is within 2 weeks, but may take up to 2 - 4 months.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to order.



  • All prices are in United States currency, USD.

  • The client must provide an email for a Paypal Invoice. Unless taking tips, donations, or otherwise stated: invoices only.

  • Work is not started until full payment is received (unless payment plan or otherwise stated).

  • Commissions that exceed $300 are eligible for payment plans. Payments within a payment plan are negotiable.

    • Payment plans start at minimum with 30% of the full price of a commission, no exceptions.

    • Typically, the artist will do work up to the amount paid. If 50% of the funds have been paid, 50% of the work will be done, etc. 

    • If the commission is finished before a payment plan is complete, the artist will withhold access to the artwork until full payment is received.


Refunds & Cancellations

  • You may cancel your order any time before work has started and be refunded in full.

  • No refunds on smaller commissions (less than $50) once work has begun.

  • On larger works (exceeding $50): You may be compensated varying amounts depending on how much work has been completed. Early phases such as thumbnails and sketching may return up to 75% and decrease thereafter depending on the progression of the artwork.

  • If majority of work is complete (color, shading, etc) refunds are no longer available.


Revisions & WIPs

  • The client will be sent Work in Progress (WIPs) of larger pieces if desired. These are eligible for 3 major revisions (change of pose/posture, swapping props/outfit, etc) during the sketching phase and 1 major revision(of current phase) after regardless of progress.

    • Large works have preview WIPs during linework, base color, and detailing phases (as applicable). These are opportunities to ask for any changes during the current phase of the project. If you want changes on a previous stage, you may be subject to a fee.

  • Smaller commissions (under $50) are eligible for one major revision.

  • Minor revisions are case-by-case and do not count against major revisions. Changing an expression of the eyes, coloring of small objects, etc are considered small as these are changes that do not require an overhaul on redesign. Please be courteous and thoughtful about any changes you request.

  • If mistakes are at fault of the artist (information was provided, I ignored/forgot it) corrections will be made free of charge within reason.

  • If insufficient information was provided, there may be a fee for revising finished work. The cost will vary between 25% to 50% of the final price depending on how much needs to be redone.

  • There is a grace period of one week (7 days) to request revisions on a finished piece. Afterwards, all revisions may be refused or be subject to a fee.

  • Works that fall under artistic freedom (speedpaints, in-stream sketches) are not granted revisions or WIPs, unless deemed necessary by the artist.


Usage Policy

  • The Artist retains all commercial rights to all work created, commissioned or otherwise, in perpetuity.

  • The Artist retains the right to reproduce commissioned work for commercial purposes (IE Prints). Disclaimer: The Artist is not a jerk. The Artist will not sell your commissioned product to some big studio for a big pay day without your permission, but they reserve the right to do so because legalese requires that they have this listed in their TOS. This really is in here so that The Artist can sell prints of your commission at cons and such, and its ok for them to do so.

  • The Client retains all intellectual property rights (As appropriate) to characters featured in commissioned artwork.

  • The Client is purchasing use and license for artwork or design for personal use only.

  • The Client may post commissioned artwork in online, not-for-profit galleries, provided credit is given to the artist. A link to The Artist's galleries are encouraged in such situations, but not required.

  • The Client may reproduce the artwork in physical mediums (T-Shirts, Prints, ect) for Personal Use only.

  • The Client may not reproduce or sell the artwork in a commercial setting without written consent of The Artist.

  • Commercial / For Profit rights to Commissioned artwork can be provided on a case by case basis. Please feel free to discuss this with The Artist.

  • At The Client's request, the artist may withhold artwork from public posting for an extended time, up to an indefinite period, for an additional fee of 25% - 50% of the final price. The Artist still retains the rights to use such artwork in personal portfolios

Content Restrictions

  • The artist will not create work that is aimed to be hateful or discriminatory to a person(s) or group in poor taste. Offensive humor, violence/gore, nudity, and other such content will be approved on a case-by-case basis.  The client’s proposal may be turned down for any reason.

  • I will probably not draw your fetish. Find out more here.



  • Discussion regarding commission work must be made through email or notes (deviantart and furaffinity only) unless otherwise stated. No public forum or message boards may be used.

  • By contacting the artist for hire, you agree to the above terms. Questions and inquiries are more than welcome; feel free to contact if you need clarification on anything.


© Mongrelist 2020 - 2023

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