Commission status: closed (Inquiries are welcome)
Monster Hunter Icons
$75 per icon
Sizes provided are PNG
1200px | 400px | 100px
You will be sent a sketch(sometimes multiple) for approval for a pose.
Pose Requests can be specified, but keep it vague (ex: calm, excited, crouching, howling/roaring, sitting, laying, etc) to give me an idea of what sort of visuals fit your character best.
Excessive edits may be subject to a fee.
Please note: These are highly stylized works. Complex designs may be simplified to fit the style.
Starting at:
Includes general background/setting.
Add another character
+ $150
Background Upgrade
+$100 to $300
Varies on complexity/demand.
Detailed paintings. Available in portrait or landscape sizes.
These are done to client specification, with conceptual sketches and WIP updates through the entire process.
$200 per character
$300 w/ a background
Artistic freedom based works. These are usually done in one, maybe two sessions. I am happy to take a prompt or idea, but these otherwise come with no WIPs or major revisions.
No complexity fees normally; overly intricate characters may be simplified or stylized.
Starting at:
Complex Markings/Design
+ $25 to $50
Includes a color gradient/fade of your choice.
+$45 to $100
Fictional characters and pets are both acceptable themes.
I currently do not offer portraits of real people. I am not comfortable with my abilities on humanoid faces quite yet.
Character Art
Complex markings/Design
+ $10 to $30
+$45 & up varying on complexity
Character art done with bold line work.
I generally work with:
sketch > ink > flat > shading
to give updates for approval at each state.